
Holiday Nighthawks

i'm not sure what to say about holidays anymore....

Christmas Tree at the Pan handle GG park

they seem to be holidays
for the merchants...
the shops in the malls are 
set up to ensnare the
shoppers with signs
 advertising substantial
discounts as if they're
at all true for the consumer...

If one had memorized prices before
the holidays he wouldn't be
surprised that holiday prices
are jacked up by whatever discount
is being offered to compensate and
to retain the same levels of profit....

But nobody seems to pay attention 
to that stunt...

anyway, the Christmas spirit
is more alive among the younger
whose pristine optics 
of love, peace and 
prosperity are
genuine and clearer than
the older generation...
at least from what i've observed...
Delia...a Swiss tourist at my easel

As an artist I had to work
on a cityscape painting on Christmas eve
simply because it's paramount for me
to see first hand the scenery on
California St. in the Nob Hill area...
mainly that of the fog rolling in
and light rain pouring...
almost on the finishing stage...

I painted for 2 hours and 
soaked myself in the rain...
without getting sick after...

On Christmas day 
after church I ended up
in the Laurel heights area.
Laurel Heights Starbuck
Starbucks which was opened
till midnight...
Christmas eve customers
 I observed in the cafe
what Edward Hopper
Holiday Nighthawks...
had seen generations ago that inspired
him to paint the "Nighthawks"...

it's no longer a surprise to see
in people that sense of isolation
and loneliness hovering in their
holiday nighthawks
psyche despite the so-called
progress in an urban environ.
Grapevine on I-5 N
Couple of days later  i had to drive down to 
Southern Cal where I spent 4 days
and 3 nights and driving

Sunset in the Bakersfield area I-5N
back to Sf on New Year's eve...
that was truly exhausting...

Happy New Year to all!


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