Though the rain lasted for close to an hour and drizzled afterwards,
the weather remained muggy last night. The streets definitely
received their washing and trees got their bathing and supply of water. It's
amazing how diesel fumes that permeate the air can make the
temperature and humidity feel like you're in an oven. Whew!!! But it's more
amazing the government people do not seem to notice that diesel
engines are the culprit. They think it's progress to see a lot of diesel cars
on the streets. Wake up gentlemen, do something!!! You don't have to wait
years to solve this. Check out your neighbors across the ocean for they have
solved this simple problem many years ago. Just check out California.
Take a dozen of your bureaucrats and put them on a vacation tour in California
cities from south to north and experience breathing. Then come home and
implement gas emission control system. Right now we're all taking a daily
shower of airborne oil. I know you can feel and taste it when you kiss your
spouse or girlfriend. That's why you both rush to take a shower to wash off
and watch murky dirt come off your hair and body.
If you don't pay attention to this, there'll be the additional health problems
to tackle afterwards. The cumulative effect of breathing polluted and carcinogenic
air will not spare even indifferent politicians and bureaucrats. We're all in
this together.
I spend my days hanging out in Cafes to notice there's not much talk
about air pollution. People seem not to be concerned about it. I think it
is the lack of awareness and education about the how to is what's happening
here. The everyday joe is busy making a living and anything outside of that
is nonsense at the moment. Besides what you do not know will not hurt you,
right? WRONG.
To the conscientious and ambitious politician here is an opportunity to be noticed.
Take it and be recognized.
Later on i'll update you on the arts.
Meanwhile i'll make my coffee and crepe.
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